
Struck Down!

All I've managed this week is an hour's cycle ride... I've spent the week struck down with the 'flu virus and unable to walk. It's been fairly horrible, as you can imagine, but I'm starting to feel better now. It's infuriating to lose a whole week's running and I'd really wanted to do some hill training this week but never mind. Maybe I've built up some antibodies that will mean I won't be ill in April. There's always a positive spin one can put on these things!
Most importantly this week, however, is that I've decided which charity I'm going to run the marathon for and I've set up a Virgin Money Giving page.
I've decided to run for Christian Aid a charity close to my heart and one that I've supported for a long time. Among other things Christian Aid works with partnership projects in some of the world's poorest countries; so any money you can donate will make a real difference in the lives of these people. The link on the left of the screen will take you directly to my sponsorship page; I've also included some information about Christian Aid and I recommed that you have a look at their website which gives a lot more information about projects tackling poverty and campaign work. The website can be found at: http://www.christianaid.org.uk/

Please give what ever you can. It would be really good to raise a significant ammount... it would make those 26.2 miles worthwhile! I do have a plan for selling each mile to the top 26 highest bidders. In other words if you're one of the top 26 you can buy whichever mile you fancy and I promise to dedicate that mile to you - you can even go and stand at that mile marker on April 25th, it will be your mile. Also this means that I can't fail on your mile; so I'll have to run the whole race! It's a win-win situation!


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